Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Early-mid July, we went on our annual church camping trip. Always a fun time of enjoying good food and friends! Saturday evening we were able to catch a beautiful sunset on a nearby beach. Enjoy God's beautiful creativity...

"My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun." Malachi 1:11

Our First Anniversary - Part 2

The second part of our trip, we spent quite a bit of time at the beach! It was probably one of our favorite parts of the trip. We loved soaking up the warm sun with the wind blowing off the lake...very relaxing! And yes the water was rather cold! Unlike some of the other beaches, this was nice and quiet, even though there were still a decent number of people. Everyone was spread out along the beach. There was a little creek that was very fun for lots of the kids to play in.

Pretty beach :)
Me way out in the water
Sixth months pregnant
We brought our umbrellas to shade us from the sun
There was quite the storm in the middle of the night, which actually got us out of our tent and into the van for a little bit. Everything dried out though, and the day was quite nice.

We also decided to take in a baseball game. We didn't even know this park was there until we drove by it. It caught our eye because of what the stadium looked like. It looked more like a horse racing stadium than a baseball stadium. Anyways, we went on Tuesday night, and had a fun time!

Not the best picture, but that's what it looked like! Fancy...
It was a wonderful trip with some gorgeous views of God's creation! Just what we needed. :)

Our First Anniversary - Part 1

While our first anniversary was actually almost three months ago (where does time go?!), I'm only now getting around to writing about it! The story of life...

We had a lovely anniversary. We didn't actually do a whole lot on our anniversary, since we worked and then had our childbirth class in the evening. We went out to dinner the next day, and enjoyed a wonderful trip to Michigan shortly thereafter! My dear husband got me some very pretty flowers, and we enjoyed eating some of our wedding cake from a year ago! We watched our to remember!

:) Aren't they lovely?
Thanks to Mrs. M for a delicious and beautiful cake!
We headed up to Michigan on Saturday morning. We camped at a nice KOA somewhat near Traverse City. We enjoyed driving and walking through Sleeping Bear Dunes, Traverse City, a more northern part of Michigan, and the surrounding country. It was very pretty! And it was great just to spend time relaxing with just the two of us. 
Scenic overlook and the BLUE water!

At one of the multiple lighthouses we went to.
Our view at lunch on Sunday

Walking in the water

These are sort of two different lakes that are quite shallow. See the lighter edges especially on the right? That's the sand at the bottom!

This was crazy. The sand dunes are INCREDIBLY STEEP! People were climbing down and then back up them. It took people a few hours to get down and up!

Although you can't see it here, someone wrote in giant letters JESUS SAVES.
More northern part of Michigan

Another lighthouse...I like the old one with the house attached much better!