Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our Honeymoon - Smokies Game

"It's a beautiful day for a ballgame, a ballgame today. The fans are out to get a ticket or two, from Walla Walla, Washington to Kalamazoo. It's a beautiful day for a home run, but even a triple's okay! We're gonna cheer and boo, and raise a hullabaloo at the ballgame today!"

We arrived at Smokies Park, and purchased our tickets. We were able to get them buy-one-get-one-free! Woo-hoo! Our seats were nice and close to the field on the first base side behind the Smokies dugout.

We saw several players whose names I recognized thanks to my dear cousin! For my fellow Cubs fans, be listening for some of these names in future.

Ryan Flaherty

Brett Jackson
We also saw a couple other guys (Kyle Smit and Mr. Struck), but those pictures didn't turn out very well. Now this guy was super funny. Well, maybe not the guy himself, but what the fans did was funny. Ever time he came to bat, they would yell, "La-la-la-la-la-lalli!" I wish I had gotten a video, but alas, I did not.

Mr. Lalli

And this guy's name was also just kind of fun, especially since we were sort of in the southern part of the US.

Rebel Ridling

For my Father-in-Law
This was actually a very fun game with lots of runs scored on both sides. There was even a grand slam for the Smokies, which they tried to call back. (That was very silly, because it was obviously a home run.) The final score was 11-10, Smokies. Ryan and I were delighted when they started to play Go Cubs Go after the Smokies won!

All in all, a very fun night, and we even had gorgeous weather for our baseball game!